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  • ??????OPC-3
    ????????OPC-3 (葡萄籽,松树皮,红酒提取物)
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    OPCs (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) is a food supplement that made from a combination of bilberry, grape seed, red grape, pine bark extracts and citrus, all found to be potent antioxidants. OPCs are one of the most powerful complex organic plant compounds (bioflavonoids) that provide exceptional nutritional and health benefits to the human body. OPCs work directly to help strengthen all the blood vessels and improve the delivery of oxygen to the cells Isotonic OPC-3 contains the only isotonic form of Pycnogenol ( a natural plant extract from the bark of French maritime pine tree) in the world. Primary Benefit includes: Anti-inflammatory activity,Powerful free radical scavenger,Support cardiovascular health,Help maintain healthy cholesterol level, Supports healthy blood vessel dilation,Helps maintain joint flexibility,Supports health complexion,Supports health blood glucose level,Supports visual health and acuity,Supports sperm quality


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